Samsung Galaxy Stellar 4G LTE (SCH-I200) |
The Samsung Galaxy Stellar 4G LTE manual provides many information such as about SIM card and battery, setup wizard, Google account, task manager, securing phone and memory card. Then about phone layout with menu and keys functions, making calls, calls settings, messaging, using google talk, Google+, amazon kindle, amazon mp3, amex serve, apps, audible, using camera, play books, quick office, play movies, plants vs zombies, IMDB, maps, media hub, mobile hotspot. Other information in the Samsung Galaxy Stellar 4G LTE owner manual such as about wi-fi and bluetooth, VPN, phone settings guide like home screen mode, application manager, backup assistants, security, backup and reset, USB settings, safety, warranty and more. For table of content as follows:
- Getting started
- Understanding your phone
- Calling
- Contacts and Accounts
- Messaging
- Applications
- Connections
- Settings
- Health and safety information
- Warranty information
- Index
Download the Samsung Galaxy Stellar 4G LTE Manual (SCH-I200) here
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